From F45 to Hyrox

Join F45 Training for a transformative experience beyond the ordinary.
Athlete pushing a sled during a Hyrox training session at F45 Camarillo.


Ready to take your fitness to the next level? Join us at F45 Camarillo and start training for your first Hyrox competition today! Sign up now and experience the ultimate challenge.

Transitioning Your Training to Excel in Both

For fitness enthusiasts who love the intensity of F45 and are intrigued by the rising popularity of Hyrox, striking the right balance between both training styles can be a game-changer. As F45 Camarillo becomes a partnered affiliate for Hyrox, it’s the perfect time to explore how regular F45 workouts can complement and prepare you for the specific challenges of Hyrox. In this blog, we’ll guide you on how to effectively transition your F45 training to excel in Hyrox competitions.

Understanding the Differences Between F45 and Hyrox

F45 and Hyrox share similarities in their high-intensity format, but they also have distinct characteristics. F45 training focuses on functional movements, circuit-style workouts, and team-based motivation. The classes typically combine cardio, strength, and endurance exercises, which are great for overall fitness.

On the other hand, Hyrox competitions involve specific, standardized exercises that must be completed in a set order. This event tests both strength and endurance through a combination of running, rowing, pushing sleds, and other strength-based tasks. While F45 provides excellent foundational training, preparing for Hyrox requires a few key adjustments.

How to Transition from F45 to Hyrox Training

1. Focus on Building Endurance

While F45 workouts are great for improving stamina, Hyrox challenges you to maintain endurance over longer periods, especially with its running segments. Incorporate longer runs into your weekly routine to build cardiovascular endurance. This will help prepare you for the kilometer-long runs that are interspersed between strength exercises in Hyrox competitions.

2. Strengthen Key Muscle Groups

Hyrox involves specific strength challenges like sled pushes, sled pulls, and heavy lunges. While F45 helps develop overall strength, Hyrox demands extra focus on building muscle endurance in your legs, back, and core. Supplement your F45 workouts with additional strength training exercises such as heavy squats, deadlifts, and lunges to build the power you’ll need for Hyrox.

3. Improve Functional Strength and Conditioning

F45’s emphasis on functional movements provides an excellent base for Hyrox training. However, adding targeted conditioning exercises that simulate Hyrox challenges will give you an edge. Incorporating sled pushes, wall balls, and farmer’s carries into your F45 routine will help you get comfortable with the specific movements required for Hyrox.

4. Prioritize Recovery and Mobility

Hyrox competitions can be grueling on the body, making recovery a vital part of your training. F45’s mobility and recovery sessions are key to preventing injury and improving flexibility. Incorporate these sessions into your weekly routine, ensuring that you’re ready to handle the intense demands of Hyrox training. Stretching and foam rolling are also essential for maintaining muscle health.

How F45 and Hyrox Training Complement Each Other

One of the best aspects of F45 training is its well-rounded approach, which develops functional strength, endurance, and agility—all of which are essential for excelling in Hyrox. By leveraging your existing F45 fitness, you can transition smoothly into Hyrox competitions with minimal adjustments. With both programs focusing on total-body conditioning, balancing your training between the two can make you a stronger, more versatile athlete.

Preparing for Your First Hyrox Competition

If you’re preparing for your first Hyrox competition, use your F45 classes as a base, but remember to include event-specific training. Work on improving your running stamina, master the techniques for exercises like wall balls and sled pushes, and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts.

At F45 Camarillo, we’re excited to be a partnered affiliate for Hyrox, helping athletes take their fitness to new heights. Whether you’re training for your first Hyrox event or looking to improve your performance, our trainers can guide you on how to adapt your F45 workouts to meet Hyrox demands.


The combination of F45 and Hyrox training offers the perfect balance of strength, endurance, and functional fitness. By tweaking your F45 workouts to include Hyrox-specific exercises, you’ll be better equipped to handle the rigors of competition. Ready to get started? Join F45 Camarillo and begin your transition from F45 to Hyrox training today!

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1150 Callens Rd, Ventura, CA 93003
678 Ponderosa Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010
820 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360